Our church joined with the North American Mission Board - Project NOAH in New Orleans from June 13-19. We had 45 people go on this trip, with one evangelism team and one construction team. Most of the evangelism group consisted of our youth, and the construction team consisted mainly of adults. I am currently gathering pictures from everyone on the trip, but here are a few pictures so far...

Gentilly Baptist Church, New Orleans...this is where we stayed. Their sanctuary is currently being rebuilt, so they meet in the gym area, which is where our team slept each night. They have the classrooms turned into sleeping quarters for the volunteers of the NOAH project.
You may not be able to tell that this is Austin in the picture above, SWEEPING the gym floor. The youth had chores to do while staying in the church. The adults, however, were allowed to "play" while the kids cleaned! We played a lot of cards this week! Even though I had a bad hand this round, I ended up winning - HAHA!
Construction team members... Matt and Ryan!
Getting our marching orders before the 1st day's work.
We saw many signs like this on the houses that were not rebuilt. These were done by the inspectors right after Hurricane Katrina, to determine if any bodies were recovered in the homes.
My crew installed bamboo hardwood floors during our time there. None of us knew exactly how to install flooring, but we were very good learners, and we completed 3 rooms in 3 days!
My team: Mike, Keith, me, and Morgan. Below, we are installing the last piece of flooring, which we signed on the back as a momento of our accomplishment. Also, below, is our team with the homeowner, Mrs. Flo. She was a very sweet lady, and we learned about her story of her husband leaving her right after the Hurricane hit. She was left to care for 3 teenage children, and rebuild her house with her own funding. She actually purchased all the hardwood flooring and we installed it for free through the NOAH project.
Kim and I after a long days work. We really needed a SHOWER!
I only have a few pictures of the evangelism team. They worked in 2 neighborhoods doing backyard bible clubs and a block party each day. The block party consisted of a slip-n-slide, popcorn, cotton candy, snow cones, bouncy house, and other fun games.
It is really hard to see in this picture, but Austin is in charge of making the popcorn. He has on a dark colored t-shirt and a ball cap, and he's under the tent.
We did get a chance to visit the French Quarter and eat some bignets at Cafe du Monde.
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