Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Monday, October 26, 2009
Austin helped out with the games. He was in charge of the bouncy house. He wouldn't let me take his picture, so this is what happens when you're trying to hide the fact that you're taking a picture of him. (I think it turned out pretty good with the steeple in the background)
We had such a large crowd, and in only 90 minutes 500 hot dogs were gone! I took a picture of almost every child that came to my car for candy, so you can see the other pictures in the slideshow.
Coby was a Clemson Tiger fan. Austin enjoyed painting Coby's face, and his hair is painted orange and purple.
Kelsey and her friend, Brooke, dressed up. Kelsey is a leopard (carrying her Lozi basket from Zambia).
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Kelsey's First Swim Meet
Diving in for the breast stroke
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Blog Neglect
In other news...I (Niki) will be having surgery on Tuesday, October 20th to remove my gallbladder which is functioning at 8%, compared to the normal 35% or greater.