Monday, August 31, 2009
It's All About ME (the dog)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
First Haircut
Today was Lizzie's first haircut by our good friend, Christi Mason. She did very well except for a few wiggles on the table, earning her the nickname "Lizzie Lizard." She looks totally different with her short cut, and I hardly recognized her when I went to pick her up. She will be a much happier, cooler pup after today!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Lizzie Lovin Life

Stretching after a hard day's NAP!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Accidents Happen
It began such a lovely day hiking down the trail to the creek where Lizzie and the boys could cool off and swim. The previous day the boys were down at the creek swimming and trying out the slide. However, this day the water was very low. Coby tried going down the slide, but it was not wet. So they hoisted a trash can full of water up to the top of the slide to wet the slide before going down. Second time down, Coby was moving pretty fast. It crossed Ricky's mind that this could be dangerous, but the boys were having such fun that we didn't want to spoil their afternoon play. Sure enough, the third time down Coby was flying when he hit the end of the slide and twisted into the water. In order to brace himself from the fall he extended his left arm into the water. AND that's when it happened! I knew he was hurt as soon as I saw his face. I yelled for Ricky to go get help. Unfortunately for us, we had not left a vehicle at the end of the subdivision so it was a long way back home by foot. Ricky began running the uphill battle to try and get some help. In the meantime, Austin and I carefully walked Coby out of the woods until Ricky could get back. I was so scared that Ricky was going to pass out running back up the hill to the nearest neighbor's house. It was 90 degrees that day and we had already walked about 1.5 miles to get there. Thankfully the closest neighbor was home and allowed Ricky to borrow their golf cart. He picked us up and we headed to the house. Because we had Lizzie with us, Austin and I stayed at the house to give the dog a bath (she was covered in mud) while Ricky took Coby to the ER. Kelsey was over at a friend's house so she stayed there while this was happening.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Lizzie at 4 months
Lizzie is now 4 months old. Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.
Two poses of a sleeping dog! In the top photo, Lizzie is laying under my chair as I work on the computer. The other photo was her lying on the couch asleep. She also dreams when she's asleep and makes noises or movements to describe her dreams.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Carolinas Aviation Museum
Austin and Ricky went to Charlotte yesterday to visit the Carolinas Aviation Museum. Austin is very interested in becoming a pilot one day so he was excited to see these planes.

Kelsey's Surprise
This week Kelsey and I have been discussing the possibility of cutting her hair. She kept going back and forth, but finally decided on Thursday, August 13th to donate her hair to Locks of Love. She will be sending off 10 inches which she has been growing out all her life (8 years).

It's time to cut...
Snake Stories
I wish it would have been lighter for you to see this! Some friends of ours were over (playing cards, of course) and the kids yelled to us that the snake was out. We have been watching this snake for several weeks now and can't seem to catch him. So, Ricky and our friend, Steve, went running out, and the first thing Ricky grabbed was the shovel. Well, Steve was looking for somethign to grab so he saw the kids butterfly net nearby. Here are two grown men looking for a snake with a shovel and a net!
The snake would come out on occasion, but he was not out far enough for us to catch.

FINALLY, the other night we caught him and killed him. I was not at home to catch the action on camera, but the story goes that Austin shot it with the gun and Ricky jumped in the pond with the shovel to finish him off. Here are the remains of what we think is a baby Copperhead.
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