While the crisp, cool air approaches this Fall, here's some of the highlights from the last month.
Clemson / Maryland game - parade

Kelsey and Niki in parade

Kelsey and Niki on sidelines just before pre-game show.

Kelsey participating in "Tiger Dancer for a Day"

CJ Spiller ready to run down the hill with Dabo.
Cleveland Dog Park in Greenville
Lizzie giving Austin a "High Four"

Getting water from the doggie fountain.

Kelsey found some furry friends.

Mark & Coby's pumpkin
Laurie & Kelsey's pumpkin
Kelsey's 1st Halloween costume on Saturday night...Spa Princess (minus the bath robe cause she was hot).
Kelsey's 2nd Halloween costume on Sunday night...Hillbilly Girl.
Niki as a spider at Trunk-n-Treat

Blue Ridge Mountains view somewhere between Highlands, NC and Dillard, GA. We took my grandfather, Papa, into the mountains for the day. We picked apples, saw a waterfall, looked at the leaf color, and ate a grand meal at the Dillard House.